Our History

Our Leadership

Since September 2013, Rabbi Jay has led our congregation’s Shabbat and Holiday services following the retirement of our beloved late Rabbi Emeritus, Rabbi Jacob S. Friedman Z”L.

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Lay Leadership


Phil Rosenzweig – President

Sherry Fruchterman – 1st Vice President

Diane Hoffman – 2nd Vice President

Rose Valentine – 3rd Vice President

Ira Morgenthal -Treasurer 

Cliff Denker – Secretary 

Michael Babst – Immediate Past President

Board of Trustees

Howard Babbitt                      
Diane Buskirk                                                     
Jon Geier                                            
Paul Levine
Ken Podos                          
Terri Robinovitz  
Bonni Rubin-Sugarman                  
 David Shatz