Women's Auxiliary

Women’s Auxiliary Executive Committee (WAX)

President – Diane Buskirk

Co-Vice President – Noralyn Carroll

Co-Vice President – Jill Denker

Treasurer – Suzy Geier

Secretary – Joanne Babbitt

Immediate Past President – Irene Babst

Representative to the Board – Sondi Pripstein


Download WAX 2024 Membership Form Here






approved 12/22

Charter of the Women’s Auxiliary of the JCC of LBI

Article I

This organization shall be known as the Women’s Auxiliary (WAX) of the JCC of Long Beach Island (JCC) and is a subsidiary thereof.

Article II — MISSION

The mission of the WAX is to work with and on behalf of the JCC and in so doing:

  1. Promote the welfare of the JCC;

  2. Promote Jewish women’s friendship, sisterhood, and presence on LBI;

  3. Accept ethical and religious practices and differences in everyday living;

  4. Foster a sense of communal responsibility on the part of its members;

  5. Sponsor and promote programs of educational and cultural activities in and outside of the Jewish Community;

  6. Engage in civic and philanthropic activities as may be approved by the WAX Executive Board; and

  7. Collaborate with the JCC Board of Trustees to utilize the kitchen and synagogue building.


  1. Any woman who is a member of the JCC and is interested in the above purposes, is a member in good standing of the congregation and has paid her membership dues (as defined hereinafter) may be a member of WAX.

  2. Officers of WAX must be members of the congregation.

  3. The wife of the Rabbi shall be a member of WAX without paying dues.

  4. Members of the WAX and the Board of Trustees of the JCC shall have an opportunity to review a financial report of its fiscal activities annually.


WAX membership dues are payable annually at the same time and in accordance with the same rules and regulations as payment of membership dues to the JCC. The fiscal year shall be from January 1 to December 31.


  1. Officers shall consist of a President, a Vice President (s), a Secretary and a Treasurer and such additional officers as may be needed to effectively carry out the work of the WAX.

  2. Officers shall be elected for a term of two (2) years and each shall hold office until her successors are selected and installed.

  3. To be eligible to serve as an officer of WAX, one must be a member in good standing of the congregation.

  4. A vacancy in the office of the presidency shall be filled for the unexpired term through appointment, by majority vote of the Executive Committee, after consideration of the candidates. The Executive Committee announces the appointment. A vacancy in any other office shall be filled by appointment for the unexpired term by the President on recommendation of the Executive Committee.

  5. The Executive Committee consists of the President (who is its chair), the other officers and the immediate past president. The Executive Committee shall have the power to authorize emergency expenditures


  1. The President shall:

  2. Preside at all meetings, conduct the business prescribed by the Bylaws and see that the other officers fulfill their duties properly;

  3. Designate the Vice President to serve and preside in her absence over WAX meetings;

  4. Review all official documents;

  5. Supervise voting at meetings; and

  6. Represent or designate a WAX Executive Board member to the JCC’s Board of Trustees as a voting member. If the President of WAX is also a member of the JCC’s Board of Trustees, she cannot also serve as the WAX representative to the Board of Trustees.

  7. The Vice President(s) shall:

  8. Assist the President in the management of WAX and preside in her absence; and

  9. Sign checks in the absence of President or Treasurer of WAX.

3.The Secretary shall:

  1. Keep true and correct minutes of proceedings of all meetings; and

  2. Distribute to Executive Board of WAX previous minutes prior to next meeting.

  3. The Treasurer shall:

  4. Pay all vouchers/invoices approved by the President;

  5. Keep a strict account of all receipts and disbursements;

  6. Collect all dues, keep records of current and past members, and deposit dues into bank account timely; and

  7. Submit an end of year Financial Report to the Executive Committee of WAX and to the JCC Board of Trustees.


  1. There shall be a minimum of one general membership meeting of the WAX during the fiscal year.

  2. The Executive Committee shall convene at least monthly during the fiscal year.

  3. Special meetings may be called by the President (a) if she deems it necessary or (b) she receives a written request to do so by five members stating the reason for such meeting.


  1. The President of WAX will appoint a Nominating Committee at the beginning of August with no fewer than four (4) members;

  2. The Nominating Committee shall present a slate of Officers to the general membership for consideration.

  3. Nominations may also be made by a written petition from five or more members in good standing, submitted to the Nominating Committee prior to any election provided the written consent of the person nominated is included.

  4. The report of the Nominating Committee shall be sent out at least seven days before the meeting, with names listed in alphabetical order.

  5. Voting will be by closed ballot during a meeting conducted by the President.


  1. Petition for amendment or revisions to this Charter shall be submitted to the Executive Committee of the WAX for its consideration, then the general membership of WAX for discussion.

  2. Amendments and revisions will be voted upon by WAX membership and adopted by a simple majority.


WAX shall comply with the applicable rules and policies of the JCC of LBI. All actions, activities and decisions of the WAX and its Officers and Executive Committee shall be subject to the policies and procedures of the JCC of LBI Board, as they are in effect from time to time.